International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements
International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements—has occupied an unchallenged position as the only international umbrella organization of the organic world, uniting an enormous diversity of stakeholders contributing to the organic vision.
Day by day we are taking the world a step closer to the mainstream uptake of Organic Agriculture.
Day by day we are taking the world a step closer to the mainstream uptake of Organic Agriculture.
At the heart of IFOAM/Organics International are its 800 Affiliates in more than 100 countries. In order to unify, lead and assist this a broad-based constituency in a fair, inclusive and participatory manner, IFOAM/Organics International organizes a General Assembly every three years.
At every General Assembly, a World Board is elected to chart IFOAM/Organics International’s course and to appoint Affiliates to official committees, working groups and task forces on topics like the development of standards or the facilitation of Organic Agriculture in developing countries.
IFOAM/Organics International member organizations also establish alliances based on regional and sector specific priorities, called Regional Bodies and Sector Platforms, respectively.