Danone Focuses Climate Efforts on Regenerative Agriculture

Danone is joining forces with the 4/1000 initiative, which aims to foster cooperation between diverse stakeholders around sustainable soil management.

The company is working directly with farmers in its supply chain to co-create action plans that will help them lower their carbon footprint and strengthen water retention and biodiversity in soils. Danone is also actively leading pilot projects on regenerative agriculture via its social innovation funds. The Livelihoods Carbon Fund and the Livelihoods Fund for Family Farming aims to sequester 10 million tons of CO2 by financing rural environmental restoration and energy projects and promoting sustainable agriculture. The Danone Ecosystem Fund supports the transformation of agricultural practices in the company’s supply chain through 35 projects across the world; Lait Pieds sur Terre, for instance, aims to help farmers in France reduce their carbon footprint while increasing revenue and leveraging innovative financing tools.

Additionally, Danone is willing to cooperate with experts, NGOs and companies to develop and test a methodology on soil health that will refine existing models, create an evidence base for soil health practices; and build a set of techniques that can be replicated and adapted on a broad scale.

Read the entire article in Medium here.

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